Dr Gillian Riley
Pronouns she/her
Dr Gillian Riley graduated in medicine from ANU in 2007 after first detouring via a combined Science and Asia Studies degree: She became a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2012 as well as obtaining an advanced diploma of obstetrics and gynaecology.
She worked as a GP Obstetrician providing intrapartum care at Queanbeyan Hospital before deciding the sleepless nights raising her own children were quite enough for her!
Dr Riley strongly believes that medical care is not dependent on body size and practices within a Health at Every Size framework. She is inclusive of all people as individuals and maintains the best part of General Practice is getting to know people’s stories and walking with them through life’s twists and turns.
She enjoys all aspects of General Practice but has a particular interest in women’s health, children's health (particularly the first five years!), sexual health, early pregnancy, antenatal care and breastfeeding medicine. She is trained in the insertion of all contraceptive devices including Mirena, Kyleena and copper iud.
Only accepting new patients for pregnancy & breastfeeding