
We deliver on these values through the following behaviours

  • Medical care is in accordance with best practice clinical guidelines

  • All doctors are recognised Fellows of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or Australian College of Rural or Remote Medicine, or are on the path to Fellowship as Registrar GPs

  • Staff go the extra mile to arrange and ensure follow-up where required

  • Medical records are maintained to a high standard that allows continuity of care

  • Outputs (such as GP Management Plans) are of a high standard to maintain safe and efficient care of patients here and other settings such as in hospital

We measure progress on these values through

  • We again pass the triennial Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) cycle without a hitch

  • The RACGP, ACRRM and GP Synergy continue to choose us to train new Registrar doctors

  • Patients remain highly satisfied (>80%) with the quality of care, measured through the accreditation patient survey 

  • All clinical staff (doctors, nurses) maintain with no hindrance their professional registrations and endorsements


We deliver on these values through the following behaviours

  • Staff go the extra mile to ensure a warm welcome and timely service

  • Communication is always clear and concise, free of medical and other jargon

  • Doctors and nurses take the time to listen to patients and their concerns

  • Children are welcomed and made to feel safe and at ease in the practice

  • Seniors are respected and feel confident in their care

  • LGBTQIA+ citizens are welcomed and treated without a shred of discrimination

  • Indigenous Australians are welcomed and treated with cultural sensitivity

We measure progress on these values through

  • Patients have a positive experience while in the practice, reflected in periodic patient surveys, online or written feedback or other informal input

  • Patients are in the majority (>90%) ‘highly satisfied’ with the quality of their care (measured through scheduled patient surveys done for accreditation)

  • The demographics of our registered patient population reflects expected diversity in terms of age distribution, medical conditions, and proportions of LGBTQIA+ and Indigenous patients

  • Staff feel valued and enjoy their work, measured through performance review processes and feedback from patients